When contemplating life and searching for deeper meaning, we can learn a lot from observing nature and the creatures that inhabit this beautiful planet we live on.
This morning while I was meditating I observed a bug crawling along the tile floor. I began to think about this bug’s purpose and if I could interact with this creature’s life. Now I didn’t want to pick the bug up, but I wanted to commune with it. I wanted this bug to come over and contemplate me, as I was contemplating it, and crawl up on my hand so we could have a shared connection.
Now when this didn’t happen, I began to get frustrated and thought perhaps I just need to help this little bug out to see that it really wanted to be on my finger. So I began dropping my finger in front of the bug: He’d run away and again I’d drop my finger in front of him, hoping and expecting that he’d oblige and jump aboard. He didn’t like this and promptly began running from my nagging appendage that wouldn’t just let him be. Eventually I had a moment of clarity and left this sweet little bug alone.
What I began to think was this: ‘Here I am forcing the issue to get what I want. I am putting out an offer over and over yet receiving the exact opposite of what I am seeking.’ This struck me as a particularly profound moment of how our human conscience seems to work. When we really want something, or feel that something is right for us, we begin jumping up and down saying, ‘I’m over here, yes, that’s right…right over here. I’m ready for you to bring me what I’m manifesting.’ This is in fact the exact opposite of how to attract what is truly in line with our being, our life-force.
If I could just remove the ‘me’ from this equation, all the effort and desire would go away. There is no need to have desire when everything is already here. This is the problem with our minds though…
We believe and trust that everything is here for us, yet when it doesn’t show up we begin to fuss or become irritated that what’s here isn’t here! Now I know that many more eloquent writers have said the same thing thousands of times, but it is worth repeating: Recognizing you are divinely here is the answer to everything.
Embracing the fact that all things are here for you, and you are receiving them as you are ready for them, means that nothing can be out of place. I should state that to receive these blessings as you’re ready for them, you must be in this receptive mindset, otherwise you just keep sitting there saying, ‘ok, I’m ready, where are these blessings?!’ It’s these constant reminders that keeps us in-line with source and abundance. We must remind our minds to stay open and aware to the fact that our life is on a path of perfect design and aligning us with a deeper connection and understanding of our soul’s highest purpose.
May we live as a bug crawling along the path of life and recognize that we must keep the fingers that seek to scoop us up and create a reality for us at bay. It is in the effort of humankind to create that we miss the opportunity to accept and embrace what the Universe has already created for us: That being the path upon which we walk.
Blessings to you,