I’ve been thinking today about a post I wrote earlier titled 7 Steps for Positive Change.
In this post I talked about how I often struggle to maintain a positive mindset and fall back into depression. This got me thinking…
Why should I settle and accept this story? If I desire a life on a whole new level from where I’ve been living, doesn’t that require me to abandon old stories that don’t serve me? Even if it’s at the cost of being “relatable” to those struggling with depression?
What I mean is; I don’t plan to become someone who is always “awesome” and doesn’t have vulnerability, but why not draw a line in the sand and say, “I refuse to allow depression to take control of me.”?
I know more challenges will come in life, but why allow them to knock me down. We can feel sad without feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.
I’m more writing this for my own internal process, but I feel a shift has to happen to move into a true life of success, contribution, and sustained happiness. I feel that life IS possible.
What I’d like to propose for myself and any of you who might find this is the following:
Let us accept that depression is real. Let us accept that if we allow it to take hold, we are responsible for that. Let us accept that in every moment there is a choice. There is a mental line in the sand…
Either, stand on the side of feeling down and giving away our power to negative thoughts and emotions, or…
Stand on the side that says NO. I am sad, I am confused, I AM uncertain, or whatever the feelings may be, but I refuse to stand for anything other than the positive outlook that I am moving through this back to joy and peace.
That’s my commitment. I’ve got to change. I refuse to settle!
I know this resolve will be tested, I know I will fail, but I know which side of the line I will continue to stand on. I’m done with the old side.
If you happen to be reading this I hope a.) it’s provided some value to you and b.) that you’ll share your experience with me in the comments.
Sending my thoughts out your way,