A spiritual life center …what does it mean, why seek it and how can this mindset serve us as the world becomes faster and faster?
Of all the things in life that we could be, neutral seems to be one of the least appealing. If your father asked you, ‘so, what do you want to be when you grow up?’ and you were to reply neutral, I suspect you would not receive praise for your decision.
We are taught to be for things or against things. This is the way that society has socialized us. But what if it is in neutrality that you can move outside of your known perceptions and step into the realm of endless possibility. The realm where the universe can only fulfill your desires. You aren’t pulling or pushing, but merely standing still while moving along the track of life waiting to receive all that you need from your source.
If you can get outside of your own mind-race enough to be the observer of your thoughts and see that through all things there is only what exists right now in this current moment, then it is possible to see all the effort that is put into trying to create your own reality will ultimately fade away and leave you with a sense of loss. However, if you can maintain neutrality, knowing you are moving forward toward your soul’s fulfillment, then all things that come to you appear to do so directly from the bounty of the universe. As if another stone has been placed in front of your feet and then you take the step forward to land securely on it.
I understand that such statements can be viewed as being naive or too optimistic, not living in REALITY, but I would invite you to continue reading and keep an open mind. I understand your feelings. I have felt them many times through my life as I’ve wrestled with myself and my perceptions.
Recognizing the Push & Pull
The first step that I would like you to begin practicing is to observe your thoughts and your life. Look to the areas that you feel dissatisfaction with. What is going on in these areas? Are things not good enough, not quite right, leaving you feeling frustrated? Do you feel that just a few more things need to fall into place and then you’ll have everything you need to be happy? What is it that you are pulling yourself toward and what is it that you are pushing away?
We need goals in life, they help us learn things about ourselves and connect to other human beings, which is the whole point of this journey here. We have come here for a purpose, to learn something by which we can grow into our souls more deeply. The question is in whether it is the destination or the journey that leaves you feeling fulfilled. The push and pull are all about the destination. So focussed on it in fact that the journey never seems good enough because the journey is NOT the destination. It never can be. The destination may never be reached, it may change and in so happening will leave you feeling defeated and angry. But, if it is in the journey that you feel peace, the journey that you feel growth, the journey that you feel empowerment, then you can never go wrong. You are on a journey your entire life. A series of journeys that lead to more journeys, on and on until your life reaches its end.
That thought right there might have just got you upset. My life ending with just a bunch of journeys?! ‘That is pointless,’ you might say, ‘What was accomplished?’ If a goal was not reached then what was the purpose of the life. This is the internal wrestle, the push and pull. It happens both externally and internally, sometimes at the same time, stirring you up into a ball of emotional turmoil, feeling out of place, out of sync and out of control. These are the moments that it is critical to re-ground, re-group and re-assure yourself that you are on your path. You are here, right now and growing in this moment with perfect design. You return to neutrality and calm and stop pushing and pulling. You open to accept what comes into your life and live with joy.
That might sound too easy and in fact it is THAT EASY, but that simplicity is what makes it hard. When we are goal minded it just seems too easy to focus on the journey, the present step. If I take my eyes off of the destination then I will falter, I won’t reach it, I won’t be focussed. The goal will not be achieved. There is a retraining of the mind that must take place to embrace this ease of flow. You must begin to witness the thoughts. Witness the resistance and then consciously let it pass out of you and feel neutrality. It is like a wave of peace coming over you, like a breeze of fresh air blowing in and cleaning out all the pain, hurt, worry, fears and frustrations that stagnate in the mind as they roll back and forth, ever repeating their loop of discontent. Breathe in now, a deep breath, that flows through your entire body. Feel the push and pull stop…feel the calm at the center and know that this is your rock. This is your soul, centered deeply in your body, like a rod of light that runs head to toe. It will never steer you wrong and it is a magnet of attraction for all the things you need in your life to continue your growth. Listen to its call and follow it. It exists beyond the mind, deeper than the mind, more powerful than the mind.
This is the first step, the first recognition. Now the task is to practice this daily. Practice centering yourself, recognizing the pushing and pulling and returning to neutrality.